A new marketplace for Interns and Internships

portfolio-2016-12-65Summer is already here and internship opportunities out there still abound. There are many job sites listing opportunities as well as job fair and hiring events organized by large size companies. Yet, internships and regular job opportunities at startup companies are difficult to find. There are smaller events such as meetups where students and startups can find each other and maybe start a relationship. These type of networking events might work, but they are hard to scale and don’t reach as many people as an online marketplace can. Therefore, after doing some research and testing the idea with a Google form, I decided to write some code and deploy this website. It is a new marketplace for interns and startups.

The new marketplace

What makes Interns and Internships different is that it uses an algorithm to do the matching, instead of listing them all in a site. With this algorithm, we have created a new marketplace for interns and internships that work.

We believe listing jobs and profiles is something many other sites are already doing and it is just too noisy. When you visit a job site, you usually have to filter the information presented to you to make it a bit more useful. Most of the information presented in these sites often isn’t relevant to you as someone looking for an internship or an intern. Startup Interns takes care of the matching, so you only see the available interns or available internships that are a good match for you.

The service that Interns and Internships provide is free now, but it is possible that it might charge a small fee to startups in the future. For now, the service is open to everyone and will always be free to students looking for internships.

If you are looking for an internship at a startup company, spend a few minutes and give this a try. The information you share will be used to help you find an internship that fits your skills and interests. Your information will never be sold or misused.

As a startup company, you already have a lot of challenges in front of you. Interns and Internships want to help you reduce one of the most significant problems you’ll encounter, which is finding the right people to work with you.

What are your thoughts about such service? feel free to comment and leave your opinion or any questions below.


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