Photo: Cherry blossom in Seattle

Maintain your mental health during the pandemic, go out for walks.

As we continue to be in quarantine, I’ve been walking more than usual, trying to fight boredom and insanity. Walking has always been one of my favorite activities, especially when it is paired with a good audiobook or podcast.

Staying home is the best we can do to help avoid spreading this virus, or to avoid getting sick and then requiring the help of hospitals and medical people who are already over capacity and overworked.

Over a month ago, when things started to get serious here in Seattle, my family and I started growing anxious due to not knowing when things were going to get better or how much worse it was going to get. When you are home, it’s easy to watch or listen to the news covering COVID-19. It’s also easy to consume content from social media networks, which often leads to more anxiety and stress.

Assuming you are not sick, it’s OK going for short walks around your neighborhood while wearing gloves, a mask, and maintaining a safe distance from other people. Walking can help you feel more positive and hopeful. The first time I started to do walks after self-quarantined for days, I immediately felt better, more peaceful, and optimistic about the whole situation.

Unless you are a health worker or any of the other heroes out there risking their lives and exposing themselves to help us all get through this, please stay home. However, all of us need a break from the news, from social media, and from our homes too. Getting out to the yard or going out for a short walk is healthy for your mind and body, and chances are that you’ll feel better and stay sane!

I am positive that things will get better, and by protecting ourselves, we can help accelerate the process to defeat this virus. Stay home, but do what you can to keep your mind and body healthy and that of your loved ones around you.

What are you doing to keep yourself sane and maintain good mental health during this pandemic? If you have something to share, please do it below in the comments. 

Cheers, and stay safe.


  1. […] the Grass: Step outside; immerse yourself in the simple act of walking. Experience the tranquillity of an early morning stroll or the exhilaration of a mountain hike. If […]

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