Author: ontechies

  • Trip to the border

    There I was in a bus on my way to Matamoros, Tamaulipas from Guadalajara, Jalisco. It was a winter night, just days after having celebrated Christmas in my house, in Mexico, it was December 27, 1995. I remember a movie playing on the bus, don’t remember which one as I was too busy with my…

  • Kickstarter: Our project failed

    This is the message I received this morning from Kickstarter about my campaign failing because it didn’t get funded: We’re sorry to report that your project, The Undocumented Engineer, didn’t meet its funding goal. We know how much hard work goes into running a project. You’ve made tremendous progress by launching and working to build…

  • Trip to Oahu and Maui, Hawaii

    Aloha! Oahu is one of the most popular islands in Hawaii, also, the one with the largest population. This island is a very attractive destination to people looking to see a piece of paradise, with the option to have all the amenities of a big city such as shopping and a great variety of restaurants…

  • Kickstarter: Day 10

    It’s been 10 days since I launched my first kickstarter campaign for my first book. These series of blog posts are a story of my journey with my first kickstarter campaign. These are the things I’ve tried up until today to get more people to back my campaign: Emailed my entire email list. Twice. Have…

  • Kickstarter: Day 3

    I started my first campaign on Wednesday, July 1st, 2015. So far I have 3 backers, one of them is my wife, the second is a friend and previous co-worker and the third one someone I don’t know. This post is about the changes and updates I’ve made to my still unsuccessful kickstarter campaign a…

  • Kickstarter: Day 1

    After thinking about writing a book for a while I finally pulled the trigger and launched a kickstarter campaign. I wrote a description, created the ugly book cover shown below using Gimp, and uploaded a video created using a notebook and a black permanent marker. I spent a lot of hours researching what a kickstarter…

  • Summer is here

    Summer is here, kids are out of school and parents struggling to keep them busy. I write about some ideas to keep your teenage kids busy this summer and also some news about a writing project. Cheers.

  • Two books every month

    A new year is here and everyone is making resolutions, sharing their new year’s challenges, hopes, etc. I would like to share with you one of the new challenges I am setting up for myself. I love to read and have read a large variety of books. However, I have also bought quite a few…

  • An introduction to Single Responsibility principle (SRP)

    This is the fifth and last article describing SOLID principles. This article is about the Single Responsibility principle. Hopefully it will help you understand what the principle is all about and why it’s important to keep it in mind when designing and writing your code. What is the Single Responsibility principle? Here is the definition…

  • An introduction to Open Closed principle (OCP)

    This is the fourth article on SOLID principles which I started a few weeks ago. I hope this is useful for you and that it gives you a simple understanding of what the Open/Closed principle is all about. What is the Open Closed principle? Bertrand Meyer coined the term Open/Closed Principle which appeared in his book…