Author: ontechies
An introduction to Liskov substitution principle (LSP)
This post is about the Liskov substitution principle (LSP). This is also the third of my posts about SOLID principles, following the posts I wrote about DI and ISP in the past few weeks. What is Liskov substitution principle (LSP)? This principle is based on Barbara Liskov’s definition of subtyping, commonly known as the Liskov substitution principle…
An introduction to Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)
Last week I wrote a post about Dependency Injection (DI) with some basic examples in C#. Today I would like to write and offer a simple example of what is known as Interface Segregation Principle (ISP) which can happen if you are not careful when using and implementing interfaces in your code. What is Interface…
An introduction to Dependency Injection (DI) and Inversion of Control (IoC)
There is so much confusion and arguing about what dependency injection is and whether is the same as inversion of control or just one form of it. If you are new to these terms it can be very confusing to say the least. I’ll try to describe what these are with some examples written in C# and…
Building a Todo web app using PHP, Laravel and Bootstrap
I want to learn more about web frameworks that I am not too familiar with. My plan is to write simple web and mobile apps using different frameworks and technology stacks that I don’t have much experience with. While this is not going to make me an expert on any of these technology stacks or…
Install MongoDB service on Windows 8
MongoDB (from “humongous”) is an open-source document database, and the leading NoSQL database. Written in C++. MongoDB is great for modeling many of the entities that back most modern web-apps, either consumer or enterprise: Account and user profiles: can store arrays of addresses with ease CMS: the flexible schema of MongoDB is great for heterogeneous collections of…
Turning 40
Today I am turning 40 years old. What does that mean? that I am old? that I am about to go into mid-life crisis? that I should give up all of my dreams? that I am entering into one of life’s most dangerous ages for men? The truth is that most of the things I…
How to add a full page background image to your landing page
I recently decided to update the landing page of one of my projects. I wanted to have a full-page background image and change this background image every time a user landed in this page or refreshed it. Here is what I ended up doing: The <html> tag Since we are replacing the entire background of…
How to serve static files for your website using Azure
Killer features and a beautiful design are important things when developing a website. However, none of that matters if your site doesn’t perform well or is not able to scale when necessary. Serving static files such as CSS and images from your web server is not ideal. These are some of the disadvantages of serving…
Error 0x80131902: Failed to create the managed bootstrapper application.
This error message has been giving me headaches for a while, I have seen it happen in different Windows computers when trying to install a Visual Studio update or a new version of Visual Studio. If you Google for the string “Error 0x80131902: Failed to create the managed bootstrapper application.” you’ll find some sites and…