Category: Notes

  • Remote employees: Best tools for collaboration and communication

    Working remotely has become a common way of working for a lot of professionals, and while it is a lot easier to do this than years ago, working remotely still has some challenges. The one thing we can all agree with is that not having to worry about a busy and/or long commute is awesome (see…

  • Small-groups as the antidote to bad meetings

    Bad meetings, meetings from hell, or whatever you want to call them, we’ve all experienced those and I wouldn’t be surprised if some of you experience bad meetings in a daily basis. While there are endless tips, blog posts and even books about how to have good meetings and ways to avoid meetings from hell, none of…

  • Trip to the border

    There I was in a bus on my way to Matamoros, Tamaulipas from Guadalajara, Jalisco. It was a winter night, just days after having celebrated Christmas in my house, in Mexico, it was December 27, 1995. I remember a movie playing on the bus, don’t remember which one as I was too busy with my…

  • Kickstarter: Our project failed

    This is the message I received this morning from Kickstarter about my campaign failing because it didn’t get funded: We’re sorry to report that your project, The Undocumented Engineer, didn’t meet its funding goal. We know how much hard work goes into running a project. You’ve made tremendous progress by launching and working to build…

  • Kickstarter: Day 10

    It’s been 10 days since I launched my first kickstarter campaign for my first book. These series of blog posts are a story of my journey with my first kickstarter campaign. These are the things I’ve tried up until today to get more people to back my campaign: Emailed my entire email list. Twice. Have…

  • Kickstarter: Day 3

    I started my first campaign on Wednesday, July 1st, 2015. So far I have 3 backers, one of them is my wife, the second is a friend and previous co-worker and the third one someone I don’t know. This post is about the changes and updates I’ve made to my still unsuccessful kickstarter campaign a…

  • Kickstarter: Day 1

    After thinking about writing a book for a while I finally pulled the trigger and launched a kickstarter campaign. I wrote a description, created the ugly book cover shown below using Gimp, and uploaded a video created using a notebook and a black permanent marker. I spent a lot of hours researching what a kickstarter…

  • Summer is here

    Summer is here, kids are out of school and parents struggling to keep them busy. I write about some ideas to keep your teenage kids busy this summer and also some news about a writing project. Cheers.

  • Two books every month

    A new year is here and everyone is making resolutions, sharing their new year’s challenges, hopes, etc. I would like to share with you one of the new challenges I am setting up for myself. I love to read and have read a large variety of books. However, I have also bought quite a few…

  • Turning 40

    Today I am turning 40 years old. What does that mean? that I am old? that I am about to go into mid-life crisis? that I should give up all of my dreams? that I am entering into one of life’s most dangerous ages for men? The truth is that most of the things I…