Category: Notes

  • Your North Star

    Your North Star

    It’s a metaphor. Your North Star is your personal mission statement. In my last post, I mention having a North Star a couple of times, and for me, it’s an excellent way to describe my single long-term goal. There are many goals on my list, but most of them align to the one single long-term…

  • What do you want to be when you grow up?

    What do you want to be when you grow up?

    As a kid, this is something we are asked often, and often we have an answer for this – an astronaut, a firefighter, a policeman, a pilot, a veterinarian. However, is there anything more complicated to answer than this as an adult? Think about it. The question makes you think about your education, work, hobbies,…

  • We are moving

    We are moving

    We signed a new lease. This lease represents our commitment to staying in Seattle for a few more years. We wanted to buy a home this year. That was the original plan before coming to the Pacific Northwest. The idea was to go to Seattle, rent for a few years, and then buy a home…

  • Imagina si pudiéramos parar el envejecimiento

    Imagina si pudiéramos parar el envejecimiento

    En años recientes se han publicado muchos artículos que defienden la idea de que el envejecimiento es una enfermedad curable, y artículos que critican y ridiculizan esa misma idea. En el mundo existen criaturas que viven por muchos años, mucho más que nosotros los humanos.  La ballena de Groenlandia es considerada como el mamífero más…

  • Photographs and time

    Photographs and time

    Time is interesting. Every time I look at old photos of places we visited, our kids, family, etc. I smile and can’t help but feel nostalgic about it. But, when I look at these photos, the only thing I can remember from those moments is good and positive things. Even when I know that there…

  • Las palabras son inofensivas, nuestras reacciones no tanto

    Las palabras son inofensivas, nuestras reacciones no tanto

    ¿Qué sientes cuando alguien te dice algo ofensivo? ¿Respondes inmediatamente con otra palabra ofensiva? ¿Te enojas, Te sientes mal? Las palabras no es más que un sonido que utilizamos para comunicar entre nosotros. Si escuchas una palabra, o toda una conversación en un lenguaje que no conoces, no significara nada para ti, no hay significado,…

  • ¿Por qué Viajamos?

    ¿Por qué Viajamos?

    Viajamos porque nos gusta descubrir cosas nuevas, descubrir nuevas comidas, arquitecturas, y porque nos gusta ver cosas que no hemos visto todavía. Mi esposa Felly y yo somos diferentes, pero somos conscientes que al viajar nuestras metas, alegrías, y curiosidad se entienden. Podría decir que somos nómadas de corazón y de espíritu. Pero nos gusta…

  • The Mountaineering Club

    The Mountaineering Club

    You might not realize that you have arrived from the outside, it’s a hotel, and it doesn’t look like the place I’m about to describe below. So give yourself a chance and trust me, go around the block and park in the public parking lot, or drive to the side of the hotel and let…

  • But it’s a new (and gorgeous) color

    But it’s a new (and gorgeous) color

    Content is king, that’s what people say, and from what I see, these are very smart people. But does that mean all content is king? Does it mean all content is great and worthy of our reverence? Of course not, right? Many people create content these days, it’s easier than ever before, and there are…

  • Food

    Why is food so hard to understand? Imagine if we just ate and didn’t have to worry about anything else, not calories, fat, sodium, nothing. Just eat and enjoy it. Carelessly, this is how I have dealt with food for a large part of my life. But now, I need to know how nutritious it…