Category: Notes
A Photographer and a Writer
I’d like to think of myself as someone who writes and someone who writes enough. What does that mean? Am I a writer? Yes, I am. I write. In fact, my day job involves a lot of writing, mostly code, and technical documentation but still, I write. So, am I a writer? I am a…
Credibilidad vs. Dinero
Hay personas que son tan pobres que lo único que tienen es dinero.
Primeros pasos para empezar a programar y desarrollar software
Una de las primeras cosas que tienes que hacer es dejar las excusas a un lado, esto es primordial de otra manera te convencerás muy pronto de que no vale la pena seguir y solo perderás tu tiempo. Una cosa que a mí me ha servido es escribir mis metas cuando empiezo con un proyecto,…
Focus and avoid context switching
My day job as a software engineer requires a great deal of focus and organization. Writing code is one of the last steps you do in software development. Writing code only comes after gathering enough information and understanding what changes or features we need in an application. Focusing on one task, but more importantly, one…
Sobre criptomonedas, la blockchain, y su uso actual.
La idea detrás de BitClout es interesante, otros usos de criptomonedas y la blockchain vienen pronto, estos tendrán más sentido para personas en general. Lo que sí no me gusta es la idea inicial de BitClout, en donde compras y vendes criptomonedas basadas en la especulación solo en la reputación personal de los usuarios. Por…
What is fear?
Today I experienced something that I haven’t experienced in a while, fear. My wife made a reservation at a local boathouse to go paddleboarding and kayak this morning. I am the one who chooses the paddleboard due to an excellent experience I had in Honolulu a few years ago. All week, I have been waiting…
Use your natural competitive advantage
We all know the story of the turtle and the rabbit. We know that the rabbit had a significant competitive advantage over the turtle. However, the moral of that story is not about competitive advantages; instead, it is about never underestimating a weaker opponent. This post is about competitive advantage, and just like the rabbit,…
Finding a new home it’s hard, still.
In this post, I’d like to share my own experience and most significant pain while searching and filtering properties while trying to find a new home for my family. Remember when you had to go to an office and see a person to help you find an apartment? Remember when you had to search through…
The logbook – part 2
Back in January, I decided to start writing on a logbook. The idea was to make it easier for me to write down things I thought were important about my day. Think of it as a minimalist version of a diary or journal. The fact is, I haven’t been keeping up with it as I…