Category: productivity

  • Allowing yourself to try something new

    Allowing yourself to try something new

    For years, my favorite drink of choice in the mornings and the evenings has been coffee. But occasionally, enjoy a hot cup of tea, specifically chamomile tea. That is the only tea that I would drink. A few days ago, as I was about to start organizing some of my photos after dinner, I decided…

  • The Logbook – part 3.

    The Logbook – part 3.

    I wrote a brief post about starting a logbook in January 2021 and then an update on April 2021. This is the latest update about my use of the logbook, the tools I use for it, and how I plan to use it this year. The logbook is a mini daily planner that I use…

  • “Just start”

    “Just start”

    Surely you’ve heard something like “just do it” or “just start,” but in many cases, starting is one of the most challenging tasks in life. In this post, I will share my own experience and struggles when starting and finishing projects. It used to be easy for me to start and work on multiple projects.…

  • Working remotely

    Working remotely

    Many people have experienced working from home for the first time in the past few years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and many want to continue doing it. I don’t blame them. I am lucky to have had the opportunity to work from home (or remotely) full-time since 2014. Before that, I worked from home…

  • Adopting a three-day weekend

    Adopting a three-day weekend

    For over six months, I have worked four days a week, Monday through Friday, and enjoy a 3-day weekend. I am very fortunate that my current employer, and my team, enable me to do this. A flex schedule is something available to many, but few take advantage of this. I also work from home and…

  • Meetings are still difficult

    Meetings are still difficult

    This year the number of meetings at work exploded, and I am not exaggerating. I have worked for the same team for over 7 years, until earlier this year when I was transferred to a newly formed team. My responsibilities haven’t changed much, but the number of meetings increased substantially, mostly due to the re-org.…

  • Work-Life Balance

    Work-Life Balance

    My 14-year-old son asked me today about work-life balance. He wanted to know how to achieve it and get better at it. I think he believes I got this figured out, but the truth is that for me, this is an ongoing process. If you don’t balance your job or school priorities and your personal…

  • Your North Star

    Your North Star

    It’s a metaphor. Your North Star is your personal mission statement. In my last post, I mention having a North Star a couple of times, and for me, it’s an excellent way to describe my single long-term goal. There are many goals on my list, but most of them align to the one single long-term…

  • Debugging life

    Debugging life

    An idea on how we can log our lives to help us troubleshoot them later.