Where are the Authentication views in AspNet Core App?
I am struggling with Visual Studio for Mac. I have been a Visual Studio user since it came in multiple CDs in a box. Visual Studio has been improved a lot, I like it more now than I did before. But there is a problem, the VS version for the Mac is a completely different…
How to add simple logging to your Web App using Elmah
Logging is a crucial part of any application. Logging can be used to track events, identify code issues, security holes, etc. In this blog post, I’ll describe how to add logging to your ASP.NET web application using an open source logging framework called Elmah. Elmah has been around for a while, it became very popular…
Error 0x80131902: Failed to create the managed bootstrapper application.
This error message has been giving me headaches for a while, I have seen it happen in different Windows computers when trying to install a Visual Studio update or a new version of Visual Studio. If you Google for the string “Error 0x80131902: Failed to create the managed bootstrapper application.” you’ll find some sites and…
How to use Active Directory groups to restrict access to controller actions in ASP.NET MVC and make your application even more secure!
It’s been a year and one of the most popular posts in this blog still today is How To: Secure your ASP.NET MVC application and use Active Directory as the Membership Provider. In that post I promised to write about how to use Active Directory groups to restrict access to controller actions to make your…
How To: Secure your ASP.NET MVC application and use Active Directory as the Membership Provider
Securing your ASP.NET MVC application should be priority number one every time you start a new web application. Using the attributes Authorize and ValidateAntiForgeryToken in every controller and action is the only way to avoid any security holes. In this post, I’ll show you how to secure your ASP.NET application by implementing the AuthorizeAttribute and ValidateAntiForgeryTokenAttribute classes.…
Retrieving images from a dabatase in ASP.NET MVC
If you run into a ASP.NET MVC site that needs to get images stored as binary data in a SQL database you can do the following to help you read these images and display them in your view. The Controller First, create a controller that will serve these images and add a void method that…