Tag: books

  • Kickstarter: Day 3

    I started my first campaign on Wednesday, July 1st, 2015. So far I have 3 backers, one of them is my wife, the second is a friend and previous co-worker and the third one someone I don’t know. This post is about the changes and updates I’ve made to my still unsuccessful kickstarter campaign a…

  • Kickstarter: Day 1

    After thinking about writing a book for a while I finally pulled the trigger and launched a kickstarter campaign. I wrote a description, created the ugly book cover shown below using Gimp, and uploaded a video created using a notebook and a black permanent marker. I spent a lot of hours researching what a kickstarter…

  • Two books every month

    A new year is here and everyone is making resolutions, sharing their new year’s challenges, hopes, etc. I would like to share with you one of the new challenges I am setting up for myself. I love to read and have read a large variety of books. However, I have also bought quite a few…