Tag: inspiration
The cost of our rushed lives
Many years from now, we will look back at this era and understand the numerous mistakes we made due to our constant need for speed. Consider the incident with Alaska Airlines earlier this year, where a piece of the fuselage fell off while the plane was flying. A few days ago, the National Transportation Safety…
Dreaming, Not Drifting
Sometimes I feel like I’m drifting when I think about all the things I have yet to accomplish. I’m no different than you; I have a long list of things I want to do, become, places I want to visit, and things I want to learn. The list goes on. Dreaming is natural, and it’s…
A Few Books I’m Reading
A few days ago, I wrote a post describing how books have helped me achieve many things in my personal and professional life. In that post, I also mentioned my goal of writing a novel. The ultimate aim is to continue writing and find a way to make it a sustainable task. Writing, in addition…
Ya es diciembre
Esta vez no fue diferente, esperé hasta el último día para preparar mi maleta. Aunque en realidad no me toma mucho tiempo, me gustaría poder hacerlo con más antelación, digamos, un día o dos antes del viaje. En los últimos años, hemos viajado mucho; ahora que vivimos en Seattle, ir a Vancouver, Canadá, es muy…