Tag: journey

  • Kickstarter: Our project failed

    This is the message I received this morning from Kickstarter about my campaign failing because it didn’t get funded: We’re sorry to report that your project, The Undocumented Engineer, didn’t meet its funding goal. We know how much hard work goes into running a project. You’ve made tremendous progress by launching and working to build…

  • Kickstarter: Day 10

    It’s been 10 days since I launched my first kickstarter campaign for my first book. These series of blog posts are a story of my journey with my first kickstarter campaign. These are the things I’ve tried up until today to get more people to back my campaign: Emailed my entire email list. Twice. Have…

  • Kickstarter: Day 3

    I started my first campaign on Wednesday, July 1st, 2015. So far I have 3 backers, one of them is my wife, the second is a friend and previous co-worker and the third one someone I don’t know. This post is about the changes and updates I’ve made to my still unsuccessful kickstarter campaign a…

  • Kickstarter: Day 1

    After thinking about writing a book for a while I finally pulled the trigger and launched a kickstarter campaign. I wrote a description, created the ugly book cover shown below using Gimp, and uploaded a video created using a notebook and a black permanent marker. I spent a lot of hours researching what a kickstarter…