Tag: logbook

  • The Logbook – part 3.

    The Logbook – part 3.

    I wrote a brief post about starting a logbook in January 2021 and then an update on April 2021. This is the latest update about my use of the logbook, the tools I use for it, and how I plan to use it this year. The logbook is a mini daily planner that I use…

  • Debugging life

    Debugging life

    An idea on how we can log our lives to help us troubleshoot them later.

  • The logbook – part 2

    The logbook – part 2

    Back in January, I decided to start writing on a logbook. The idea was to make it easier for me to write down things I thought were important about my day. Think of it as a minimalist version of a diary or journal. The fact is, I haven’t been keeping up with it as I…

  • Started using a logbook

    This year I started writing a logbook to capture daily events, so far it’s been working well, it’s really easy for me to write daily events and other things and just do about a small page per day. I write down things like the food I ate, important events, meeting summaries, etc. Anything that I…