Tag: Performance

  • How to (efficiently) delete millions of records in a SQL table

    [Updated on 2024-06-30 based on feedback from comments] A while ago, I blogged about how to efficiently update millions of records in a SQL table, today I’d like to show you a simple trick to do the same when deleting millions of records in a SQL table. The idea is the same, you don’t want…

  • A note about impostor syndrome

    Impostor syndrome is when a person doubts their accomplishments, feels that they don’t deserve it, or think that their achievements (a promotion, a raise, etc.) are the result of luck. The impostor syndrome can affect anyone, especially women and minorities who fear they owe their accomplishments to affirmative action. What if we do the following…

  • Parallelism. Using Parallel.For and ConcurrentBag.

    Parallelism refers to the technique of running multiple calculations at the same time to speed up a computer program. Historically, this has been a complicated thing to write requiring a developer to do complicated coding including low-level manipulation of threads and locks. A program will generally run faster if you allow it to execute multiple…