Tag: remote workers
Ideal Workspace for Developers
Before becoming a software developer, I had no clue what this job required or what did a developer did through the day. Many years later, I have a pretty good idea about the workload and can share some advice on what the ideal workspace for someone that writes code is. First of all, let’s get…
How to successfully work from a coffee shop, or from anywhere!
I have been a software developer for many years now, and for the last 5 years, I’ve been working remotely 100% of the time. What does this mean? It means I’ve been working primarily from home, but it doesn’t mean I’m always home; instead I try to balance my time between multiple places inside my…
Tips for Remote Employees and their Peers
Remote workers and the teams working with them need to follow certain unwritten rules to be successful. Here are some tips to make things easier for remote employees and their peers.
Remote employees: Best tools for collaboration and communication
Working remotely has become a common way of working for a lot of professionals, and while it is a lot easier to do this than years ago, working remotely still has some challenges. The one thing we can all agree with is that not having to worry about a busy and/or long commute is awesome (see…
Tips for the Deskbound
The definition for deskbound from different sources: restricted to working in an office, rather than in an active, physical capacity. engaged in or involving sedentary work, as at an office desk restricted to work at a desk unfamiliar with actualities or practical matters outside one’s own job: deskbound executives who can’t grasp production problems. You get the idea, being deskbound is not really for the active or adventurous types…