Tag: writing

  • Are You in an Abusive Relationship with Your Phone

    Are You in an Abusive Relationship with Your Phone

    I watched the movie Alice, Darling, which made me think of abusive relationships. I will not describe the film here, but you should watch it, it’s good. One of the thoughts that came to mind after the movie is how aside from people, other things are abusive to relationships. For example, bad habits, social media,…

  • Allowing yourself to try something new

    Allowing yourself to try something new

    For years, my favorite drink of choice in the mornings and the evenings has been coffee. But occasionally, enjoy a hot cup of tea, specifically chamomile tea. That is the only tea that I would drink. A few days ago, as I was about to start organizing some of my photos after dinner, I decided…

  • My bookstore addiction

    My bookstore addiction

    Do you like bookstores? I do, and apparently, many other people do too. Why? A bookstore is a place full of wonder and imagination. Each book can be a window into a different world, a unique story, perspective, or something new to learn. Walking around bookstores feeds my motivation to continue reading, learning, discovering, and…

  • The Logbook – part 3.

    The Logbook – part 3.

    I wrote a brief post about starting a logbook in January 2021 and then an update on April 2021. This is the latest update about my use of the logbook, the tools I use for it, and how I plan to use it this year. The logbook is a mini daily planner that I use…

  • “Just start”

    “Just start”

    Surely you’ve heard something like “just do it” or “just start,” but in many cases, starting is one of the most challenging tasks in life. In this post, I will share my own experience and struggles when starting and finishing projects. It used to be easy for me to start and work on multiple projects.…

  • Use technology, don’t let it use you.

    Use technology, don’t let it use you.

    I am sitting in a lounge at an airport in Mexico City. My flight is in three hours, I am on my way back to Seattle, the city I call home. I visited my family in Guadalajara. I love seeing my parents, my siblings, their spouses, and the charismatic nephews and nieces. My trip to…

  • Don’t be upset, it’s not worth it.

    Don’t be upset, it’s not worth it.

    It’s easy to be upset about anything. Whenever we browse social media or watch the news, or someone bothers us at work, we can get bitter or, worse, feel sad and anxious. It’s easy to do, to be mad or sad or feel rage. Why? Why are these feelings the default when something we perceive…

  • Thankful


    I was born in Mexico and migrated to the United States in 1996. Thanksgiving was not something we celebrated in my hometown. I wasn’t even aware of what it meant until much later. Eventually, I thought of it as the “turkey” holiday and a day when we had the opportunity to be thankful. Thanksgiving is…

  • A strangely boring week

    A strangely boring week

    This is the title I wrote back on March 1, 2021. I remember opening my word editor and typing the title, a strangely boring week. Back then, we were still amid COVID-19 fears, regulations, etc. I remember thinking this has been a very boring week in the middle of the chaos. A boring week meant…

  • Hunting for old film cameras in antique shops

    Hunting for old film cameras in antique shops

    About two weeks ago, my wife and I went to Snohomish, a town about 30 miles north of Seattle, where you can find many antique stores on their main street. Snohomish is also listed on the National Register of Historic Places. We found out about this town a few years back after going to pick up…