Tag: writing
Focus and avoid context switching
My day job as a software engineer requires a great deal of focus and organization. Writing code is one of the last steps you do in software development. Writing code only comes after gathering enough information and understanding what changes or features we need in an application. Focusing on one task, but more importantly, one…
What is fear?
Today I experienced something that I haven’t experienced in a while, fear. My wife made a reservation at a local boathouse to go paddleboarding and kayak this morning. I am the one who chooses the paddleboard due to an excellent experience I had in Honolulu a few years ago. All week, I have been waiting…
The logbook – part 2
Back in January, I decided to start writing on a logbook. The idea was to make it easier for me to write down things I thought were important about my day. Think of it as a minimalist version of a diary or journal. The fact is, I haven’t been keeping up with it as I…
Are you an amateur, enthusiast, or a pro?
Many of us have hobbies, things that we enjoy doing but not necessarily spend a lot of time, money, or much effort. Some of us have other passions where we dedicate more time, more money, and a lot of effort; I think we can call ourselves enthusiasts on those topics. Professionals are defined, I think,…
Started using a logbook
This year I started writing a logbook to capture daily events, so far it’s been working well, it’s really easy for me to write daily events and other things and just do about a small page per day. I write down things like the food I ate, important events, meeting summaries, etc. Anything that I…
Looking for a simpler blogging platform
For years I’ve been using WordPress for all my blogging needs. But lately, every time I log in to WordPress and try to write a new post, I’m annoyed by all of the administrative options. I get it; they are useful, but I want to get basic analytics and an editor for my blog, that’s…
My favorite writing apps
I recently spent some time trying to find the right writing app, I ran across many of them, and while a few were very good, it wasn’t until I ran across the Bear app that I decided to stop looking. This app makes writing enjoyable to write, and how is that you ask? Well, it has a…
Kickstarter: Day 3
I started my first campaign on Wednesday, July 1st, 2015. So far I have 3 backers, one of them is my wife, the second is a friend and previous co-worker and the third one someone I don’t know. This post is about the changes and updates I’ve made to my still unsuccessful kickstarter campaign a…
Kickstarter: Day 1
After thinking about writing a book for a while I finally pulled the trigger and launched a kickstarter campaign. I wrote a description, created the ugly book cover shown below using Gimp, and uploaded a video created using a notebook and a black permanent marker. I spent a lot of hours researching what a kickstarter…
Summer is here
Summer is here, kids are out of school and parents struggling to keep them busy. I write about some ideas to keep your teenage kids busy this summer and also some news about a writing project. Cheers.